Zucker & Regev, P.C.

Auto Accidents Involving Stop Signs

May 30, 2017 @ 09:00 AM — by Zucker & Regev, P.C.
Tagged with: Auto Accidents Personal Injury Wrongful Death

When drivers fail to obey traffic signs, it can have tragic consequences. Not only do they put themselves at risk. Other drivers, passengers, and even pedestrians can be seriously injured. Unfortunately, though stops signs are among the most common and clearest traffic signals, they are also one of the most frequently ignored. Far too often, harried drivers disregard them or do not yield properly at an intersection.

Gary A. Zucker & Associates, P.C., handle cases involving auto accidents and stop signs. Our Brooklyn, NY firm is renowned for our skill with personal injury lawsuits, having obtained millions of dollars for our clients. We will extend the same hard-hitting approach to you and your loved ones, helping you to obtain the compensation you deserve.

Stop Sign Laws in New York

As in the rest of the United States, stop signs laws in New York are straightforward. Drivers must come to a complete stop before the white line, if there is one present. If there is no line, they must cease moving before they enter the crosswalk. When neither of these are present, they must come to a standstill before they enter the intersection at a point where they can still see the cross traffic.

Types of Stop Sign Car Accidents

There are two primary kinds of stop-sign accidents. Failure-to-stop incidents are the most straightforward. They involve one driver who blatantly disregards the sign and never comes to a halt.

During failure-to-yield accidents, both drivers stop, but one does not yield to the other who has the legal right of way. The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that most failure-to-yield accidents involve vehicles turning left and being struck by an oncoming car.

Auto Accidents and Stop Sign Statistics

According to an analysis from the NHTSA, the statistics regarding stop sign accidents are alarming:

How Can Gary A. Zucker & Associates Help You?

If you were involved in a stop sign car accident, whether failure-to-stop or failure-to-yield, you may have suffered devastating injuries and significant property damage. Your pain or decreased agility may have affected your ability to work, adding to the financial strain of medical bills and other costs. In these instances, you may be entitled to significant compensation.

Sadly, your insurance company may deny you the full amount of funds that you deserve. Following a detailed case evaluation, we can determine what happened and who was responsible for the accident. Then we will fight through negotiation or a court case, if necessary, to obtain justice for you and your family.

Contact Our Office Today

If you have been involved in an accident involving a driver who ran or failed to yield at a stop sign, we are ready with our experienced and untiring assistance. Contact our firm today to find out if you have a viable lawsuit during a free case evaluation.