Zucker & Regev, P.C.

I Got Doored While Riding My Bike: Can I Sue for My Injuries?

Jul 1, 2024 @ 10:36 AM — by Gary Zucker
Tagged with: Doored While Riding A Bike Personal Injury Attorney

Cycling is a fun and healthy habit but it has its risks. Unfortunately, many BrooklynNY, drivers fail to take precautions to keep bicyclists safe. As a result, thousands of cyclists are injured in roadway accidents each year.

Dooring is a common type of bike accident. Dooring occurs when a driver opens their door into oncoming traffic in a way that makes it impossible for a bicyclist to avoid hitting it. Individuals who are doored while riding a bike may wonder if they can sue for damages. Personal injury attorneys at the Brooklyn, NY, law office of Zucker & Regev, P.C. discuss legal options with dooring injury victims.

The Dangers of Dooring

Bicycles are similar to motorcycles because they lack a supportive structure and safety features to protect riders in an accident. Although bicycles travel much slower than motorcycles, bike accidents can still be damaging to riders. Riders often only have a helmet to protect them from injuries in a crash so even seemingly minor accidents can have catastrophic consequences. Dooring is dangerous because it can cause injuries in several different ways:

Injuries Caused by Dooring

Dooring may cause cyclists to strike a fixed object and be thrown from their bikes. Some riders are fortunate to walk away with minor injuries but many suffer catastrophic or fatal injuries. Common injuries caused by dooring include:

Suing for Injury Damages 

Brooklyn cyclists injured in a dooring accident can file a personal injury lawsuit against liable parties. New York traffic law states that individuals are not permitted to open a door into accessible traffic unless it is reasonably safe. When drivers neglect their duty of care to cyclists by opening a door into traffic without checking that it is clear, it is a traffic violation. Neglectful drivers can be held liable for resulting injury damages. Working with a knowledgeable bike accident attorney, such as those at Zucker & Regev, P.C., is the best way for injury victims to prove fault and maximize compensation.

Damages in Dooring Accidents

Filing a personal injury lawsuit allows injured parties to pursue compensation for the economic and non-economic losses associated with a dooring accident. Depending on the circumstances of the dooring accident, Brooklyn cyclists may be awarded compensation for damages such as:

Contact Zucker & Regev, P.C.

Dooring accidents can cause physical, emotional, and financial damages. If you are wondering about your legal options after suffering injuries in a dooring accident, attorneys at Zucker & Regev, P.C. can help you consider your best course of action. Contact our law firm at your earliest convenience to schedule a consultation.